
As outdoor adventurers ourselves, we’re passionate about connecting with like-minded explorers and sharing the Outpost 6.5 with new audiences. Based in Bayfield, CO, we’re always on the lookout for opportunities to showcase our campers—whether through collaborations with established publications or fellow outdoor enthusiasts with engaged communities. If you’re interested in featuring Outpost Campers, we’d love to hear from you by filling out the form below!


What Others Are Saying

See what the outdoor and overland community has to say about the Outpost 6.5:

  • “The Outpost team has upped their game with domestically sourced composite panels, an all-new shell design, and 150% more onboard power. Introducing the stronger and lighter Outpost 6.5.”
  • “The Outpost 6.5 weighs less than 1,500 pounds, making it light and nimble enough to be hauled on a half-ton pickup”
  • “2024 Reader’s Choice Best Innovation”
  • “Outpost Campers has clearly put considerable thought into the design and functionality of the Outpost 6.5, catering to the needs of modern adventurers who value both performance and comfort”
  • “The Outpost 6.5 truck camper is a full-sized rig with a pint-sized price tag”

Featured Video Reviews

  • Our New Home on Wheels | The Outpost 6.5 Cabover Truck Camper
  • Why I went for a Truck Camper | The Outpost 6.5 Four Season Truck Camper

Want to collaborate or feature Outpost Campers? Please reach out using the form below. We look forward to hearing from you!

Current Estimated Lead Time: 6 to 8 months