Meet Our Brand Ambassadors: Teagan & Casey aka Far Out Stoke!

Teagan & Casey are no strangers to living a life full of adventure and stoke! They have been living on the road on & off for the past 4 years with the last year being spent in a 1989 Western Wilderness camper. They found Outpost Campers immediately after we launched and became our very first customers after talking with our team about the campers we were building. They have now been living full time in their Outpost 6.5 for about a month. We caught up with them about how full time living in the Outpost 6.5 has treated them.

Teagan & Casey outside their Outpost 6.5
Q&A with far out stoke

Q: What are some of your favorite things about the Outpost 6.5?

A: We have many favorite things we love about the Outpost! But the main thing that stands out is the efficiency of the camper shell itself. It stays cool inside when it’s warm out, and on chilly nights we stay warm without turning on the heater. Another thing we love is the aluminum cabinetry and latches. Nothing falls out while we’re off-roading and everything feels super clean.


Q: What’s the best upgrade over your last rig?

A: There are many things in the Outpost that blow our last 1989 camper out of the water, but the top two would have to be the windows and how lightweight the Outpost is! The Arctic Tern windows are a game changer. Being able to have the window, screen, and blackout shade all in one just simplifies the process! Which is exactly what you want for full time living. And in terms of the lightweight aspect, our truck is a lot happier with us and drives so much better. 


Q: What made you stick with a truck camper over something like a van or rv?

A: We actually used to have a Ford Transit so we know both sides to this! There are lots of pros and cons to each, but for us and our lifestyle, the truck camper option is the way to go. With a truck camper, the off road capabilities are a lot better than your standard van. Having 4×4 and high clearance with a truck is huge for where we spend the majority of our time. Another reason we went truck camper vs. van, is because you can drop the camper and still have a fully functioning truck! We have also been in a situation where our truck needed to go into the shop and we were able to still have and live in our “house” while the truck was getting worked on. Nothing worse than having your primary vehicle and house go into the shop and you’re without a home for weeks!


Q: What’s the hardest part about living full time in a truck camper?

A: We have been doing this for a while now, and the hardest part about living full time in a truck camper has to be logistics! There’s always something that needs to be done and that something always requires somethings else. It’s a constant state of figuring things out, planning when you need to fill up water, do groceries, dump trash, and make sure you have enough power to do so. The Outpost has been a game changer because it has helped streamlined a lot of those things and our order of operations feel fairly dialed in now! But it’s always something! Life on the road is an adventure that is for sure.


Q: Where are you most looking forward to taking the Outpost 6.5? 

A: Winter!! We are so excited to take our Outpost 6.5 into some snow and colder temperatures for some good skiing and riding this season. We spent a few months last season in our 1989 camper in the winter, and it was quite the challenge. Winter road life in the Outpost 6.5 is going to be a huge game changer for staying warm and dry. We could not be more stoked to get out there in a few months!

Follow along with their adventures

Teagan and Casey are both incredible photographers and content creators. They have put together some awesome videos of the camper and their adventures in it thus far. We welcome you to follow along with their adventures on their social accounts:

Teagan’s Instagram

Casey’s Instagram

Far Out Stoke Instagram

Far Out Stoke YouTube

Far Out Stoke Website